Sabtu, 04 Oktober 2014

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

1. Mr. Fairus is skillfull at cooking. He works in restaurant or hotel. He is a..

 a. waiter

 b. receptionist

 c. chef

 d. Manager
2. Open end wrench is tool needed by....

 a. A carpenter

 b. A doctor

 c. mechanic

 d. A chef
3. Sheila : what do you do right now, andi?
    Andi : I work in bank
    Sheila : how long have you worked there?
    Andi : Eight years
    Sheila : what did You do before that?
    Andi : I worked for travel agent
    Sheila : Why did you move to the bank?
    Andi : I needed a better salary
Why did Andi move to her job?

 a. He liked it

 b. The bank near his house

 c. Needed better salary

 d. All is false
4. Sasa : My grand father want to build a book store. He need ....... to design it
    Silma : its right

 a. A Shop assistant

 b. A librarian

 c. A shopkeeper

 d. An architect
5. The people – to go to – place – a particular – who – drives – want – he
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
choose the best arrangemen to make a sentence!

 a. 8 – 6 – 1 – 5 – 7 – 2 – 4 - 3

 b. 1 – 5 – 7 – 2 – 4 – 3 – 8 - 6

 c. 8 – 6 – 1 – 7 – 5 – 2 – 4 - 3

 d. All is false
6. A : Good evening, Can I ask two ice cream, please?
    B : Chocolate or vanila, please
    A : one chocolate, one vanila, please
    B : that’s all, anything else?
    A : No thank you
From the text above we guess that B’s profession is ...
Shop assistant
All is true
7. My grandpa lives in village. He is a breeder. He breeds goats and cows. He has done it for several years. He makes big pens for his livestock at the back yard. He also puts wood fences around the pens to make his lives stockas secure. As a breeder, my grandpa always takes care of his lifestock well. He works together with an assistant. Every day the assistant collect grass to .... the live stock.

8. The referee needs a ... to control game

 a. microphone

 b. whistle

 c. paint

 d. camera
9. Bila : Hello, Mr. Hisyam!
Mr. Hisyam : Good morning, girls!
Bila : Can I sit here, Mr Hisyam?
Bila : No, no you may not to sit here. You must over there!
Mr. Hisyam: Be quiet, and sit down!
From the text above we guess that Mr. Hisyam is ....
An ambulance man
A shopkeeper
The school bus driver
A taxy driver
10. My grandpa lives in village. He is a .... He breeds goats and cows. He has done it for several years. He makes big pens for his livestock at the back yard. He also puts wood fences around the pens to make his lives stockas secure. As a breeder, my grandpa always takes care of his lifestock well. He works together with an assistant. Every day the assistant collect grass to feed the live stock.

 a. farmer

 b. breeder

 c. grocer

 d. butcher
11. The .... is going to swimingpool. He want to be Indonesian delegation in olimpiade
A swimmer
A football player
A volleyball player
All is true
12. Putri : what is your father Rara?
Rara : he is a pilot
Putri : what does a pilot do?
Rara : .....

 a. He makes a plane

 b. He designs a plane

 c. He flies the plane

 d. All is false
13. These job need a microphone, accept...

 a. actor

 b. Singer

 c. reporter

 d. photographer
14. Ival : Ryan, Lets play game. You must guess it. The man is responsible for the safety of pedestrians. He also directs the traffic.
Ryan: he is a ...

 a. Policeman

 b. fisherman

 c. soldier

 d.All is true
15. Anggi : do you know our postman
Adel : no, I don’t
Anggi : well, you should meet him
Adel : why?
Anggi : I know he’s tired, but he always smiles when he...letters
16. My grandpa lives in village. He is a breeder. He breeds goats and cows. He has done it for several years. He makes big pens for his livestock at the back yard. He also puts wood fences around the pens to make his lives stockas ... . As a breeder, my grandpa always takes care of his lifestock well. He works together with an assistant. Every day the assistant collect grass to feed the live stock.

 a. alive

 b. worried

 c. hungry

 d. secure
17. Read the text carefully!
Istvan is a music professor. He comes from Bupadest in Hungary, but now he lives in the USA. He works four days a week at the university of texas, Austin. He speaks three languages: Hungarian, English, and German. He’s married to an american and has a doughter. He likes playing tennis in his free time.

What is Istvan’s profession?
Music professor
18. Seumas Mcspormann is 60 years old. He has thirteen jobs. He is postman, a policeman, a fire man, a taxi driver, a school bus driver, a boatman, an ambulance man, an accountant, a petrol attendant, a barman, and an undertaker. Also, he and his wife, Margaret, have a shop and a small hotel. Seumas is very .... man

 a. lazy

 b. busy

 c. pity

 d. cozy
19. Skillful – and – a carpenter – making – at – chair – table – is
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
choose the best arrangemen to make a good sentence!

 a. 3 – 8 – 1 – 5 – 4 – 6 – 2 – 7

 b. 1 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 2 – 7 – 8 - 3

 c. 3 – 8 – 1 – 5 – 4 – 7– 2 – 6

 d. All is true
20. Mr. Restu is a..... he treating plants and flower in our school

 a. gardener

 b. shopkeeper

 c. farmer

 d. writer
21. Nabil : what is Mr. Mamat professions?
Anto : he is a.... . Look at his table!
It is full of tools. The are
hammer, an axe, a hand saw, a pencil, etc

 a. sailor

 b. driver

 c. carpenter

 d. fisherman
22. Baihaqi was a student of medical faculty. He is a ..... in the hospital now
23. Mr. Rava : Only three letters for you this morning Mr. Duta
Mr. Duta : Thank you very much, Mr Rava
From the text above we guess that Mr. Rava is ....

 a. postman

 b. breeder

 c. farmer

 d. writer
24. How do the oceanographers go down the sea
In submarines
In ordinary ships
In traditional boats
In special research ship
25. My father is farmer
He always works....., especially in the rainy season. He grows rice

 a. In the flower shop

 b. In the rice field

 c. In the garden

 d. In the park
26. Open end wrench is tool needed by....

 a. A carpenter

 b. A doctor

 c. mechanic

 d. A chef
27. If you need a part-time job, you can apply for a job as

 a. An assistent film editor

 b. A publicity editor

 c. A receptionist

 d. A technician
28. Famous – vanessa mae – world – is a– violinist
1 2 3 4 5
choose the best arrangemen to make a good sentence!

 a. 2- 3 – 1- 4 - 5

 b. 2 – 4 – 1 – 3 - 5

 c. 2 – 4 – 3 - 1 - 5

 d. 3 – 1 – 5 – 4 - 2
29. What is Ruhut Sitompul’s profession? He is .... he helps people in court

 a. A lawyer

 b. A judge

 c. police

 d. minister
30. When we travel by plane, a...usually serve us

 a. pilot

 b. porter

 c. stewardess

 d. receptionist

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